Another Brulee scent thats OK with me but I just can’t get excited about for some reason. Perfectly fine, sweet, does what it says on the tin. Glad I got to try before buying and will probably use again but can’t justify a full sized bottle.
Hm I liked it - it’s certainly creme brulee-ish but not a stand out in the genre of similar scents. Glad I got to try a small sample and I’ll continue to use it.
OK, this is one you need to sample before buying a full bottle! Definitely getting the popcorn and its got a weird mix of savoury and sweet going on that I can’t quite work out if I like or not! I think this going to come down to personal preferences and body chemistry whether you get on with this or not. Either way it’s intriguing!
This smelt like straight up licorice or aniseed to me unfortunately. I didnt get a hint of lemon. Glad i got a sample before I got a whole bottle!